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 [NEWS E] Ella Chen stuns in a deep V dress (09.09.2013)

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Female Number of posts : 1189
Age : 34
Location : In Chun and Ella's bathroom [ha-ha]
Humor : S.H.E and FRH, CE!
Points : 8012

[NEWS E] Ella Chen stuns in a deep V dress (09.09.2013) Empty
PostSubject: [NEWS E] Ella Chen stuns in a deep V dress (09.09.2013)   [NEWS E] Ella Chen stuns in a deep V dress (09.09.2013) EmptyThu Sep 19, 2013 2:34 pm

[NEWS E] Ella Chen stuns in a deep V dress (09.09.2013) 389ec911

Popular Taiwanese girl group, S.H.E put on a spectacular performance in China, Nanjing last Saturday. As part of their Together Forever 2013 world tour, the concert attracted about 10,000 fans that evening.

Besides the melodious songs that captivated the audience, member Ella Chen was the main highlight of the night. The 32-year-old singer made a stunning appearance, drawing deafening screams from the crowd as she entered the venue with a deep V neckline mini dress that showcased her flawless back and lean legs.

Happily stopping and posing for photos, Ella cheekily added, 'You can take as many photos as you like but please don't take (photos of) my underwear.'

During the concert, fans went on stage to present their idols with an advance gift basket to celebrate the group's 12th year anniversary this coming Wednesday.

In response to their sweet gesture, member Hebe Tien left a message on her personal weibo, 'Thank you all Nanjing fans for the wonderful surprise, S.H.E loves you so much!'

[NEWS E] Ella Chen stuns in a deep V dress (09.09.2013) 906f1110

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[NEWS E] Ella Chen stuns in a deep V dress (09.09.2013)
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